Call of duty
Call of duty rezurrection is that you can kill some zombies online and you can upgrade your guns
and you can go see your friends online to kill with your friends to and can go and level 00 then you go to look for zombie and that how you play call of duty rezurrection.
Trove is a game for computer one this game you
can customize your character and all your weapons.When you go on this game
you can make anything you want to make.Then you can share your world
with players all over the world. And you can also make a dragon or a dinosaur as your pet.When you have your pet you
can make them attack at anything.
Minecraft is a game that you can play online so that means that you can build things you can share your work with your friends.
vector online
vector is that you can run away from the cops with your friends online then you can go to a new level on the vector online. And some time you can get kill by the cops and you can block in there with cops.
kizi Deme
On kizi There is lots of games and they are fun to play of them is boom it 7 on that game you have to bome robots up and only 4 players.
Azure/Tank trouble.Tank trouble is a online game that involves violence.If you stay around at halloween on tank trouble you get the halloween box.The halloween box gives you halloween decorations for your tank.And the christmas box gives you christmas decorations on your tank.
Marshal blackops online
battlefield online zombies
battlefield is that you can play online with your friends or dad and you can kill zombies online to and and you can go to new levels on the game and you can go to level 100 levels on the battlefried.
Friv that you can play games and for people that likes friv and you can pick a game on the friv.
And it is good because if you don’t want to play the online games you can gets play friv.