
Friday 3 March 2017

What I know about pollution

What I know about Pollution

There are 4 types of pollution.
Air pollution is one and it can affect humans and animals breathing because the air gets polluted from factories burning fuel and it is from fires.
Water pollution is caused by dumping their rubbish in the sea and people dropping their rubbish.
It can affect sea creatures because some of them eat it and die and some of the rubbish gets stuck on them and sometimes it chokes them.
Water pollution is also caused by oil spills and it sometimes means you can not swim at some places.
Land pollution is another one that's like landfills and when people drop their rubbish on the ground it can take up lots of space in the world.
You can pick up rubbish to stop this from happening and so our world can be tidy.

The other one is noise pollution it is caused by people making too much noise and playing their music too loud and it can affect some humans hearing and it can make some people not hear properly because it can be to loud.

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