
Friday 11 August 2017


WAL:new dances that relate to hip hop.
Today  room 9 had kiwisport.For kiwi sport we are doing hip hop.At hip hop our teachers name was jasmine she is from england.The first thing we did was  warming up.For warming up we had to do the dance we learnt last week which was the Smurth and James brown.This week we learnt the elf. For the elf elf dance where have to  lift your knee then put both arms  next to your knee and then lean back.The second dance was janet jackson the name was named after janet jackson which is michael jackson sister.
This dance was sort of like the dab but you have to flick your wrist and you move your feet slowly.
Then we put all the moves together and it was a cool dance because we all new what to do and we all joined in.

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